Post Tagged with: "psychology research"

Four Psychology Students Receive Student Enhancement Awards

Kaley Angers

From Research Communications Four Psychology graduate students are among the 2020 recipients of the Ohio University Student Enhancement Awards program, which provided 21 students with a total of $121,948 in funding for their original research, scholarship and creative work this spring. The Student Enhancement Awards are funded by the Office […]

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March 29, 2020 at 8:42 amResearch

Allan Study Examines Effects of Marijuana Use on PTSD Symptoms, Suicidal Thoughts

Dr. Nicholas Allan

A study co-authored by Dr. Nicholas Allan in the journal Depression and Anxiety suggests marijuana use, especially for military personnel experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms, may negatively impact suicidal thoughts and behavior. Allan’s research challenges the previous belief that medical marijuana could be used in helping treat PTSD. Allen […]

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February 21, 2020 at 9:36 amResearch

Johnson Study Suggests Family Interference Can Be Hazard in High-Risk Industries

Dr. Ryan C. Johnson

Dr. Ryan C. Johnson co-authored Home is where the mind is: Family interference with work and safety performance in two high risk industries in the Journal of Vocational Behavior, positing that family interference with work can be a safety hazard. Johnson is Assistant Professor of Psychology at Ohio University. His […]

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December 6, 2019 at 9:48 amResearch

Owens, Evans Receive $3.2 Million Grant to Study Effectiveness of Classroom Support Program for Teachers

Dr. Julie Owens and Dr. Steve Evans. Photo by Ben Siegel, Ohio University

Ohio University researchers Dr. Julie Owens and Dr. Steve Evans received a $3.2 million grant from the federal Institute of Education Sciences to study the effectiveness of a new professional development program for elementary schoolteachers. The program is designed to assist educators with implementing strategies to help children with emotional […]

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November 5, 2019 at 4:56 pmResearch

Mischkowski Study Shows Acetaminophen Reduces Positive Empathy

Dr. Dominik Mischkowski

Dr. Dominik Mischkowski co-authored a study on “A Social Analgesic? Acetaminophen (Paracetamol) Reduces Positive Empathy” in Frontiers in Psychology. Mischkowski is Assistant Professor of Psychology at Ohio University. “Acetaminophen – a potent physical painkiller that also reduces empathy for other people’s suffering – blunts physical and social pain by reducing […]

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August 26, 2019 at 8:19 amResearch

Mischkowski Interviewed in ‘Tylenol May Make You Less Empathetic to Others’ Happiness’

Dr. Dominik Mischkowski

Dr. Dominik Mischkowski was featured in an Angle News story about his research headlined “Tylenol may make you less empathetic to others’ happiness.” Mischkowski is Assistant Professor of Psychology at Ohio University. Previous research confirmed that when acetaminophen is helping us feel less of our own pain, it makes us […]

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August 23, 2019 at 8:31 amFaculty in the News In the News

Forney Probes Whether Friends Tend to be More Similar in Body Image, Eating Disorder Symptoms

Dr.  K. Jean Forney

Dr. K. Jean Forney, Assistant Professor of Psychology at Ohio University, co-authored a journal article on “Examining similarities in eating pathology, negative affect, and perfectionism among peers: A social network analysis” in Appetite. Abstract: Friends tend to be more similar than non-friends (i.e., exhibit homophily) in body image concerns and […]

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August 10, 2019 at 12:57 pmResearch