Note: This event has been canceled.
The Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics (INPP) presents Maria Piarulli of Washington University, on “From Light Nuclei to Neutron Matter within Chiral Dynamics”, on Tuesday, April 7, at 4 p.m. in Edwards Accelerator Lab, Roger W. Finlay Conference Room.
Abstract: A major goal of nuclear theory is to explain the wealth of data and peculiarities exhibited by nuclear systems in a fully microscopic approach. In such an approach, which we refer to as the basic model of nuclear theory, the nucleons interact with each other via many-body (primarily, two and three-body) effective interactions, and with external electroweak probes via effective currents. These effective interactions and currents are the main inputs to ab-initio methods that are aimed at solving the many-body Schrödinger equation associated with the nuclear system under consideration.
In this talk, I will review recent progress in Quantum Monte Carlo calculations of low-lying spectra and electroweak properties of light nuclei as well as nucleonic matter equation of state. Emphasis will be on calculations based on chiral effective field theory approach.