The Wealth and Poverty Theme and the Love and Hate theme at Ohio University present Dr. Sarah Cate on “Devolution, not Decarceration” on Thursday, March 22, from 3-4 p.m. at Alden 319.
Using the context of the #MeToo movement, women’s march, and heightened attention to violence against women, Cate will discuss paths not taken in the United States to address many of the concerns these events have publicized.
The talk will situate “the sex offender” in the history of moral panics and explores how these panics contribute to a punitive reaction that supports mass incarceration.. Cate argues that punishment is not protection and considers non-punitive interventions that would more effectively reduce and respond to sexual violence.
Cate is an assistant professor of Political Science at the University of Southern Mississippi. She earned a Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania. Her research focuses on American political development and criminal justice policy. She has published her work in Punishment & Society and Theoretical Criminology. Her book project, The Politics of Prison Reform, explores the consequences and limitations of “community-based” reforms in the juvenile justice system. In the fall of 2018 she will be joining the Political Science Department at Saint Louis University.