By Silvana Duran-Ortiz, Ph.D. Graduate Student, MCB/BIOS
A group of eight students and researchers from the Edison Biotechnology Institute, including Molecular and Cellular Biology students and alumni, attended the Endocrinology (ENDO) Retreat Oct. 6-10 in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. The group was led by Dr. John Kopchick, Distinguish Professor and Goll-Ohio Eminent Scholar, and Dr. Darlene Berryman, Director of the Diabetes Institute at Ohio University.
Also attending were many internationally recognized research groups that work in the field of growth hormone, insulin growth factor-I, prolactin and adipose tissue. These groups included: Dr. Vincent Goffin and Dr. Paul Kelly from the Inserm and University Paris Descartes; Dr. Teresa Wood from New Jersey Medical School and Cancer Center; and Dr. Sebastian Neggers and Dr. Jenny Visser from Erasmus Medical Center, among others.
The Endo Retreat began in 2002 and is celebrated every 18 months. Throughout the years the Endo Retreat has been sponsored by multiple members of the industry. This year the retreat was sponsored by Pfizer, IPSEN and Novartis pharmaceuticals. The Endo Retreat was originally conceived by professors Kopchick, Wood and Kelly as an effort to improve and increase research collaborations, as well as to provide a setting for young trainees to showcase and present their work in a friendly, high-level academic environment.
Attending the Endo Retreat is an invaluable opportunity for students. The retreat allows trainees to give oral presentations and discuss results and future research plans in a very intimate environment with top-level scientist who are involved in similar fields—thus expanding the knowledge and horizons of their research, as well as engaging in interesting discussion and forming new collaborations.