
June 13, 2019 at 4:40 pm

2019 RWSA Business Meeting Minutes

Rural Women’s Studies Association
Business Meeting
Agricultural History Society Annual Meeting
Washington, D.C.
June 6, 2019

Katherine Jellison greeted everyone. Co-chair Catherine Wilson was unable to attend. Jodey Nurse-Gupta brought materials for the Guelph Conference.

Thanks to Debra Reid, Cathy Wilson, and the History Department at Iowa State University for sponsoring the breakfast meeting.

Following introductions, the group approved minutes of the Athens, Ohio, May 2018 meeting.

Financial report from Jenny Barker Devine. Total fund balance is $20,192.51. Because the organization made a profit from the meeting in Athens, RWSA is in a better financial position than ever before. Discussed what to do with the money. CDs generally do not generate enough interest to make tying up the money worthwhile. Cindy Prescott moved to have the silent auction funds, past and future, moved into the Jensen-Neth fund. The motion passed.

There was a discussion of the issue of membership renewals, and the need to set a life membership rate. There will now be a dues structure committee consisting of Jeannie Whayne, Debra Reid, Nancy Berlage, and Jenny Barker Devine. The group may look into automated membership systems. The organization may need a membership coordinator.

The treasurer’s report was moved and seconded for approval.

The group discussed the open positions. Maggie Weber agreed to be added as a social media coordinator.

Social Media report from Cindy Prescott. The blog continues to generate conversations between conferences. We need individuals willing to submit 1-2,000 word summations of projects, think pieces, etc. Asks everyone to contribute. Will continue to highlight non-academics and their work. Also asked people going to conferences to send in pieces abstracted from their papers, because of the need for original content for the blog. Original content gets the most hits.

We still need a non-North American for the Program Committee. Anyone interested should speak to Kathy Jellison.

Report on upcoming Guelph Conference, May 13-15, 2021. Call for presentations is approved and ready to go. Attendees were given posters and postcards to recruit speakers for the conference. Amy McKinney received kudos for the poster and postcard design.

Cathy Wilson is applying to the Canadian government for a matching federal grant. Grant would be used to extend the reach of the conference. Application will be made in 2020. Needs to identify 15 participants who will be going, and will need their biographies. Grant will be helped by planning “deliverables,” such as an edited volume. There is interest.

Possible RWSA cookbook suggested by Tracey Hanshew, in conjunction with the conference theme of “Kitchen Table Talk.”

There was a handout on Funding Website Tools. The organization will be getting a PayPal card reader for donations and dues, and the organization will be getting a donation button on the website.

Respectfully submitted,
Pamela Riney-Kehrberg

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