Registration is open for the 11th annual free Ohio University CALL Conference on April 26 at Ohio University.
The keynote speaker is Dr. Deborah Healey from the University of Oregon’s Language Teaching Studies Department. Healey is president of the TESOL International Association. She leads the plenary on “CALL and TESOL’s 6 Principles: Making Effective Choices.” The TESOL International Association has developed the “6 Principles for Exemplary Teaching of English Learners” (the 6 Ps) based on extensive evidence-driven research on what works. The 6 Ps provide a framework for decision-making in preparing for teaching and in the classroom. This talk will use the 6 Ps as a lens with which to view decision-making about CALL. It is easy to be thrilled with new “cool tools,” but the 6 Ps help teachers think about fitting the technology (even very “cool tools”) to pedagogy.
The keynote kicks off the conference at 9 a.m. in Alden 319 Friends of the Library Room. The rest of the conference takes place in Gordy Computer Labs from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and wraps up with a conference dinner at Jackie O’s Public House and Brewery.
At 3 p.m. Jane Arnold of the Universidad de Sevilla leads an interactive workshop on “Affect in language learning: A map of the terrain,” exploring how affective factors significantly influence the processes involved in second language acquisition.
The conference features concurrent sessions, hands-on workshops and a technology fair. OHIO faculty and students are presenting along with presenters from Case Western, Oberlin College, Wright State, University of Oregon, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain, and Qassim University, Saudi Arabia.
CALL is computer-assisted language learning.
Ohio TESOL is a sponsor of this conference.