Faculty in the News In the News

February 3, 2019 at 1:15 pm

Post Talks to Kim about Week on Immigrants

Yeong-Hyun Kim, portrait

Dr. Yeong Kim

The Post talked to Dr. Yeong Kim, Associate Professor of Geography and coordinator of the Wealth & Poverty theme,  in a story headlined “Week on Immigrants speakers to discuss immigration at national and local levels.”

At a time when discussions on immigration are especially heated, Ohio University is providing students with the opportunity to broaden their views on the issue.

The OU Wealth and Poverty theme is hosting the speaker series Week on Immigrants Feb. 1-8 in Alden Library. The speakers will discuss immigration at the local, national and international level throughout the week.

“We come up with this interesting topic each semester, and we put together a few research talks,” Yeong-Hyun Kim, an associate professor of geography, said. “It’s really interdisciplinary.”

“It’s an opportunity to broaden the immigration debate beyond the current focus of ‘build the wall’ or even border control measures,” Kim said. “People just assume, ‘Oh that’s inequality and poverty,’ so social scientists are it but no, there are engineers, too.”

Read more in the Post.

The Athens News also covered the Week on Immigrants.

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