Dr. Christopher R. France, Distinguished Professor of Psychology at Ohio University, appeared Jan. 22 as a guest on the show “Top of Mind with Julie Rose” on byuradio. The episode covered “Shutdown Politics, Fear of Blood, Face Exercises.”
“Up until quite recently, I refused to donate blood. I did it once or twice in college and nearly fainted both times. So I spent the next 20 years convinced I just couldn’t donate. But it turns out I can give blood, if I master the panic that rises in my gut when the needle goes into my arm and I see my own blood start flowing out. I’ve donated successfully a few times recently – so I know it’s possible. Fainting – or feeling faint – is the most common negative side effect of donating blood, but it’s actually very very rare. Yet, many of us think it’s common, and it’s a reason people steer clear of donating,” says Rose as the episode begins.