The Algebra Seminar series presents Thang Vo, research scholar at Kent State University, on Wednesday, Nov. 28, from 4:10 to 5 p.m. in Morton 218.
Vo will discuss “Structure and duals of constacyclic codes of length $4p^s$ over $\mathbb F_{p^m}+u\mathbb F_{p^m}$.”
Abstract: The class of constacyclic codes play a very significant role in the theory of error-correcting codes as they are a direct generalization of the important family of cyclic codes, which are the most studied of all codes. In this talk, we determine the algebraic structures of $\lambda$-constacyclic codes of length $4p^s$ over the finite commutative chain ring $\mathbb F_{p^m}+u\mathbb F_{p^m}$ for any unit $\lambda$ of $\mathbb F_{p^m}$ and compute the number of codewords in each of $\lambda$-constacyclic codes. Moreover, using the structure, the duals of each $\lambda$-constacyclic code are also given as particular cases of our results.
Joint work with Hai Dinh.