The Psychology Colloquium series presents Dr. Kristen Shockley on “Clarifying Gender and Work-Family Conflict: Meta-Analytic and Episodic Approaches” on Friday, September 8, at 11:50 a.m. in Porter 102.
Shockley received her PhD in 2010 from the University of South Florida. Her main area of research focuses on understanding the intersection of employees’ work and family lives. Specifically, Shockley has conducted research aimed at understanding organizational initiatives to help employees managing competing life demands (i.e., flexible work arrangements); research that explores the relationship between work-family conflict and health outcomes, including eating behaviors and physiological indicators of health; research that addresses the theoretical foundations of work-family interactions; and research targeted at understanding how dual-earner couples balance work and family roles.
Shockley’s secondary area of interest is in career development, with a specific focus on workplace and academic mentoring, people’s idiosyncratic definitions of career success, and the consequences of career compromise.