The Wealth and Poverty theme is having a luncheon meeting featuring Alan McMillan on Tuesday, April 12, from 12:15 to 1:30 p.m. at Baker 230.
It is open to the public, and all are welcome.
McMillan is the Founder of LearnEarnRetire, the informational resource for students transitioning from campus to career to financial independence. He speaks at colleges all over America (MIT, Syracuse, Spelman, Howard, VA Tech, etc.) and writes a weekly blog. LearnEarnRetire is launching apps and technology tools to assist students in their critical early years.
He is a retired high-tech executive who held the VP of Sales roles four times in Silicon Valley venture funded start-ups. He relocated to Athens nine years ago. He sits on the faculty of the Schey Sales Centre at Ohio University. He will talk about wealth protection.