Students in the ENG 3000X The Literature of Social Reflection Food Justice in Athens course set a record for the most boxes of food packed in the shortest time at the Southeastern Ohio Food Bank over spring break.
They visited the food bank twice to discuss how hunger is being addressed on a regional level. The boxes they packed are an indispensable source of sustenance for the elderly in Athens, Hocking and Perry counties.
This spring break, the Food Studies theme and the Office of Global Opportunities hosted the second offering of ENG 3000X The Literature of Social Reflection Food Justice in Athens experiential learning course. The week-long immersion course, led by Dr. Theresa Moran, gave students an in-depth look at issues of food insecurity, hands-on experience with how it is being addressed, as well as theoretical discussions about these problems from a structural level.
To begin the week, students volunteered at the First United Methodist’s Monday Lunch program, which provides free lunch to the Athens community once a week.
Students also joined up to cook and share a 30 Mile Meal at Della Zona, while they discussed the importance of supporting local agriculture and the local economy.
The Food Justice students attended and volunteered at the Southeast Ohio Farm to School Conference. This conference was a joint effort between Rural Action, Community Food Initiatives, The Appalachian Center for Economic Networks (ACEnet), Hocking College and other local entities. During this two-day conference, students attended talks by the United States Department of Agriculture, local organizations, and business owners all pertaining to the topic of getting fresh, local foods into everyday meals of school children. There was also a tour of Green Edge Organic gardens, to take a look at how farming can be a year-round, viable career due to season extension processes.
Concluding the week was a tour of the Plant Biology Learning Gardens followed by lunch at Village Bakery and Cafe. At the gardens, the students were amazed to see how the Ohio University community of students and faculty have supported such a wonderful source of organic produce. All-in-all, the week brought together a diverse group of students to explore and experience questions of justice and access in the Athens food system.