
February 1, 2016 at 5:45 pm

CE3 Brownbag | Water Out West, Feb. 26

The second CE3 Brownbag Lunch of spring semester is “Water Out West: Using Decision Sciences to Understand Complex Socio-ecological Systems” on Friday, Feb. 26, at noon in Building 22 at The Ridges, Room 221.

Derek Kauneckis

Derek Kauneckis

Join OHIO Associate Professor of Environmental Studies Dr. Derek Kauneckis as he discusses how “collaborative modeling” is building climate resiliency in river systems. Kauneckis’s work to integrate climate, hydrological, and social sciences toward understanding Western river systems as socio-ecological systems applies to water resources around the world that are challenged by over-allocation, mismanagement and changing hydroclimatic conditions. At the Voinovich School, and in his work with Nevada’s Desert Research Institute, he researches climate change adaptation, local governance, systems resilience, policy innovation and the science/policy interface.

CE3 is the Consortium for Energy, Economics and the Environment at Ohio University.

Save the Date for these Upcoming CE3 Brownbags

  • Friday, March 11: Environmental Studies Student Panel
  • Friday, March 25: Lisa Hamler-Fugitt, Executive Director, Ohio’s Second Harvest Food Banks
  • Friday, April 8: Vince Messerly, President, Stream + Wetlands Foundation
  • Friday, April 22: Earth Day Hike: The Built and Natural History of The Ridges

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