In Class News

November 25, 2015 at 11:42 am

DNA Unzipped on the College Green

Students begin to unwind the "DNA strands" as Dr. Hua describes the process of DNA replication.

Students begin to unwind the “DNA strands” as Dr. Hua describes the process of DNA replication.

By Sydney Dawes

Dr. Zhihua Hua took his PBIO 2050 class outside for a hands-on DNA replication demonstration near Alumni Gateway, making some physical impressions of science on Ohio University’s College Green.

“Biotech: Lab to Life,” new this semester, is an Environmental and Plant Biology course focusing on biotechnology, genetic engineering, and DNA’s role. “Dr. Z.” as his class calls him, walked through the process of DNA synthesis using only cords, binder clips, slips of paper, and, of course, his students on Nov. 9.

Some members of his class held the two cords that represented the Watson and Crick strands, which are the two complementary strands of DNA that make up the double-helix, while others acted as the enzymes used during the process of DNA synthesis.

Students hold the two newly-synthesized daughter DNA molecules.

Students hold the two newly-synthesized daughter DNA molecules.

For instance, one student acted like topoisomerase, the enzyme that untangles DNA when it’s ready for replication.

Another student acted like helicase by removing the binder clips that represented hydrogen bonds, causing the “DNA” to separate into two single strands.

Overall, Hua hoped his students would not forget the process and importance of DNA and DNA replication.

“Through this role play of each component in the real science,” he said, “students will not only gain a good understanding of lecture materials but may also develop strong interests in science.”

Graduate student assistants Lu Tian and Susan Zhang holding a clump of cords representing DNA in its bunched-up form.

Graduate student assistants Lu Tian and Susan Zhang holding a clump of cords representing DNA in its bunched-up form.

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