By Sara Berens
Academic Advisor and Retention Specialist for the College of Arts & Sciences
The recommended time frame to start studying for finals is two weeks in advance. This means that in between eating piles of mashed potatoes and afternoon naps next week, if not earlier, you should be coming up with a plan!
Use a weekly planner to write out when and for what classes you will study. Be sure to schedule study sessions for one and a half to two hours at a time, including 10 minute breaks! Write down what materials (chapters, readings, powerpoints) you will cover and when. This is especially important for comprehensive exams.
Also be sure to vary your subjects and study locations so you don’t start to feel overloaded or lose your concentration.
And lastly, be prepared to be less social on social media, and stay away from any and all distractions (including family members or roommates, if necessary).