Physics for Kids – Boom, Splat!
Dr. Mark Lucas, Associate Professor of Physics & Astronomy, shared cool physics with cool kids at the Athens Public Library.
Repeat programs were held at The Plains Public Library and at the Wells (Albany) Pubic Library during the summer months.
3D Printing Workshop
Lucas and physics doctoral student Sean Krupa hosted a 3-D printing workshop. The pair explained the process of 3-D printing to “Athensmakers,” a local community group interested in cutting-edge technology and the hands-on creative process. The printer is used in the Nanoscale & Quantum Phenomena Institute (NQPI), a research group within the Ohio University Department of Physics and Astronomy.
Insect Bot Workshop with Dr. Mark Lucas
Lucas hosted an Insect Bot workshop where participants learned more about cute do-it-yourself robots that use two motors, an infrared sensor, and a tiny Arduino (micro-controller) to “bring it to life.”
Robotics Day at the Ohio Valley Museum of Discovery
Lucas teamed up with his son, Ryan Lucas, a sophomore in the Russ College of Engineering and Technology’s Department of Mechanical Engineering, to organize a “Robotics Day” in August. The father-son team was assisted by graduate student volunteers from the Physics & Astronomy Department, volunteers from the Russ College, and medical student volunteers from Ohio University’s Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine.