Ahmed Shehzad gives a talk on Topological Games on the Real Line in the undergraduate math seminar (MATH 4993) on Monday, Oct. 20, at 11:50 a.m. in Morton 318.
Abstract: In this talk, we will be looking at certain two player games of innite length. These games will allow us to discuss topological properties in terms of the existence of a winning strategy for a certain player. We will be paying particular attention to the Banach-Mazur game, which is one of the rst games of this sort that was studied. Specically, it turns out that the determinacy of the Banach-Mazur game is closely related to the property of Baire. Time permitting, we will also look at the unfolded Banach-Mazur game, and use this to sketch the argument that analytic and coanalytic subsets of the real line have the property of Baire