The Physics & Astronomy Colloquium Series presents Maxim Pospelov of the University of Waterlooon “Constraining the Dark Sector with BBN and CMB physics” on Friday, March 28, at 4:10 p.m. in Walter 245.
Abstract: Historic examples show that explorations of the “missing mass” and the “origin of mass” problems have led not only to the discoveries of new particles, such as neutron and most recently the Higgs boson, but also to the discoveries of new fundamental forces of nature: strong force and the Higgs-mediated Yukawa force. Currently there is a clear missing mass problem on the cosmic scale. Will the resolution of the dark matter problem lead to the discovery of new particles and new forces associated with it? In my talk I will show how recent advances in understanding the early moments of the Universe’s existence, in particular Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and the Cosmic Microwave Background, create a new powerful tool in exploring the nature of dark matter, and new forces that might be associated with it. This leads to the concept of the Universe as an “active detector”: it creates and detects new particles and force carriers.
Upcoming Spring 2014 Events
Colloquia are held in the Walter Hall, Room 245, on Fridays at 4:10 p.m. unless otherwise noted.
Jennifer Dionne of Stanford University on “Visualizing chemical reactions and light-matter interactions with nanometer-scale resolution” on Friday, April 4, at 4:10 p.m. in Walter 245.
Robert Austin of Princeton University on “Spatial evolutionary game of cancer: Applying Physics to Cancer” on Friday, April 11, at 4:10 p.m. in Walter 245.
Nick Wu of the West Virginia University on “Plasmon-Enhanced Solar Energy Harvesting” on Friday, April 18, at 4:10 p.m. in Walter 245.
Departmental Awards Gathering on Friday, April 25, at 4:10 p.m. in Walter 245.