Dr. Katarzyna Marciniak, Professor of English and Co-Editor of Global Cinema, in early November 2013 was part of an invited group of 50 international scholars who were asked to act as expert panelists and research evaluators for Mid Sweden University in Sweden. Marciniak chaired the panel responsible for evaluating the Department of Humanities.
She has two books forthcoming in 2014:
- Immigrant Protest: Politics, Aesthetics, and Everyday Dissent. Eds. Katarzyna Marciniak and Imogen Tyler. Praxis: Theory in Action Series. Series Editor: Nancy Naples. New York: SUNY Press (forthcoming 2014).
- Protesting Citizenship: Migrant Activisms. Eds. Imogen Tyler and Katarzyna Marciniak. New York: Routledge (reprint of the special issue for Citizenship Studies, “Immigrant Protest,” (forthcoming 2014).
Her research areas include: Transnational Feminist Media Studies, Cinema and Media of Exile and Displacement, Visual Culture, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Migration Studies, Discourses of Nationalism and Globalization, Women and Literature, Postsocialist Cultures, Critical Pedagogy.