Michael McLaughlin, a Mathematics student in the College of Arts & Sciences, presents an Undergraduate Math Seminar, “Polarizations with Respect to Real Hypersurfaces—Experience and Math from an REU,” on Wednesday, Oct. 2, from 4:10 to 05:05 p.m. in Morton 122.
“Opportunities for undergraduate research in mathematics can seem scarce or even nonexistent to the young math major,” he notes is his abstract. “Luckily, the National Science Foundation disburses funding to dozens of universities across the nation that foster undergraduate mathematical research. These Research Experiences for Undergraduates, or REUs, are a wonderful way for a math major to gain invaluable experience conducting mathematical research.
“In the first half of this talk, I will describe my entire experience as a participant in an REU, and will discuss various aspects of REUs in general. In the last half of the talk, I will describe the research project to which I was assigned, which is contained within the field of several complex variables. Specifically, I will explain my work with real hypersurfaces (i.e., (2n-1)-dimensional real manifolds in n-dimensional complex space) and polarizations, which are invariants describing these hypersurfaces.”